Are you a list-maker? If not, I strongly encourage you to explore the amazingness that comes with jotting down lists, plans, schedules, you name it. I find that my days feel haphazard if I don’t jot down even a few general bullet points about how my upcoming day should look.
Spending some time the night before planning out the next day has proven to be the most effective for me. If I do it too far in advance I find that things have changed too much to make my planning unrealistic. Let’s be honest, if you have kids, run a home, work, etc. things tend to be unpredictable. A kid gets sick or forgets to tell you about an upcoming science project they need help with. You have a big work project thrown at you last minute that causes you to rearrange your priorities that week. You get my drift.
There’s a lot that comes with homemaking. And whether you work or you are solely a stay-at-home parent, are single or married, you are a “homemaker”. You have a home that you are making for yourself and maybe others. And making that home into something you love is the sum of all your seemingly mundane days. But with intentionality, you can curate a life and a home that is meaningful and filled with purpose.