In the early days after my divorce I knew that single parenting was going to be tough. I knew that the simple logistics of a one-parent home was going to be difficult to navigate – not having another adult to tag-team while you tackle everything that comes with not just…
Something tragic has happened to our society, where femininity is no longer celebrated. Or the femininity that is celebrated is hyper-sexualized, placing emphasis only on the physical attributes that women have to offer the world. What I want my daughters to understand is that God has intentionally created women to…
I was a big fan of the cash envelope system back when I really started to pay attention to my budget. But over time, I found that it got complicated due to so many things being paid online. Online ordering and subscriptions made it feel like I was running to…
I figured I’d share a few gift ideas I’ve had over the years that have proven to be a win (and one I’m going with this year). You know, in case there’s anyone else out there who’s stumped year after year trying to figure out what to get the guy…
What I’ve found to be the most surprising way to get my kids to all sit around as a family and interact is puzzles. All I have to do is open up a puzzle on the kitchen table, and it draws them like bees to honey. Whether it’s my 12…